"How the Light Gets In" in L'Éphémère Review

I wrote this at the end of the first year of the Trump administration and the hope expressed in it has sustained me through year two. Now thanks to L'Éphémère Review, that hope is out in the world.

Give a Girl Chaos excerpts in Gone Lawn

Gone Lawn published these five poems, including a poem that was previously unpublished, “When We Write About the Weather” (below) along side an interview by the editor and fellow poet, Beth Gordon (see Interviews). For the full excerpts and interview.

When We Write about the Weather

We write about the weather and yes
it's about the weather—Spring storms lashing

the last life from our winter bones. We are done with it. Yet

relentless rain soaks your poems.
Hurricanes hurl beyond your tight lines.
Form, borders wash into the sea.

If you could reach into the rush of water,
swirl and bounty of it and pull out a heart,
would it be yours?

Mine is the yellow tugboat
dragging a massive barge into the wind.

Surprising physics of grief.

How ashes float—a sea foamof cherry blossom confetti,dusting each wave—disappear with the current.

But I lie.

My heart's adrift on that current
or maybe it's the rock crab scuttling
sideways along the sea floor searching.

To lose a father is to lose home.

Sometimes, the buoyant mind becomes a river
claims the land impeding its course to the sea.

Follow it to that scrim of land you claim home.
Home, the sea claimed as its birthright.When all is washed away,what remains?

This morning our rain ebbed,
weather turned.

Source: http://journal.gonelawn.net/issue31/glj_cu...

"Get Out" in Bracken Magazine

I wrote “Get Out” in the fall of 2017 after Hurricane Harvey, Maria, the Mexico earthquakes, California and Washington fires. I had heard that birds were early warning systems, when I researched I learned how different varieties of bird respond to climate and weather danger. Sadly, this poem is as relevant today as it was a year ago and will be next year.

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"Open Season" in Poets Reading the News

The bombs sent to high profile Trump critics and democrats reminded me of what it is like to live with a bomb threat. I quickly drafted this poem and was pleased that Poets Reading the News chose to publish it immediately.

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"A Small Act" in Lines + Stars

I have made so many mistakes, and yet in this poem “Small Act” I tell the story of a friend’s mistake—actually it was a kind gesture, gone awry. Oh the unintended consequences of our actions….

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"Stilled Life" in The Harpoon Review

I wrote this poem during April for National Poetry Month where I wrote a poem a day. It took on a melancholy tone even though it has so much beauty in it—the dead seal pup saddened me and took me down a path that is not autobiographical but to a place of sadness that I could imagine.

Source: http://www.harpoonreview.com/heidi-seaborn

"Tuesday" Finalist for Mississippi Review Poetry Prize

This was a difficult and important poem for me to write. I worked on it for a long time. I have since written a follow on series entited “Afterward”. Thank you to Adam Clay and MR for publishing it with care and honoring it as a finalist.

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"Anonymous Act" in Poets Reading the News

This is one of the poems that you write just because you need to. And as a mother because you really need to. Then circumstances happen, and you need to raise awareness of the issue.

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"Beyond" and "Dead Sea" in Construction Lit Magazine

Nine years after a deadly tsunami slammed into South Eastern Asia, the land and people recovered. In the decades between when I travelled to the Israel side of the Dead Sea and the Jordanian side, wars had been fought and the border had softened. I am fascinated by the resilience that people and nature show over and over again.

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"Cleave" in Penn Review

The word “cleave” is fantastic—a contronym (or anti-antonym) with contradictory meanings, but it also consumes the word “leave” and leads to “cleaver”. This poem explores the visceral nature of this delicious word.

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"Instagram" in Rockvale Review

Social media creates less space between past and present. I wanted to explore that idea. Rockvale Review engaged the photographer Michelle Casady to create a photograph for each poem.  Here is her note on this photograph:Photographer’s Note:&nb…

Social media creates less space between past and present. I wanted to explore that idea. Rockvale Review engaged the photographer Michelle Casady to create a photograph for each poem.  Here is her note on this photograph:

Photographer’s Note: This poem represents a ping-pong of thoughts between present and past, a struggle between what is and what was. I chose this photo because it represents a quiet place to sit alone with your thoughts (serene), reflect on your past (literal reflections), dream big dreams, and try to work your way out of a state of confusion (fog). The slightest bit of sunshine always signifies new hope, even when an Instagram search creates that twinge of discontent.

Source: http://rockvalereview.com/issue-two-may-20...