Gone Lawn published these five poems, including a poem that was previously unpublished, “When We Write About the Weather” (below) along side an interview by the editor and fellow poet, Beth Gordon (see Interviews). For the full excerpts and interview.
When We Write about the Weather
We write about the weather and yes
it's about the weather—Spring storms lashing
the last life from our winter bones. We are done with it. Yet
relentless rain soaks your poems.
Hurricanes hurl beyond your tight lines.
Form, borders wash into the sea.
If you could reach into the rush of water,
swirl and bounty of it and pull out a heart,
would it be yours?
Mine is the yellow tugboat
dragging a massive barge into the wind.
Surprising physics of grief.
How ashes float—a sea foamof cherry blossom confetti,dusting each wave—disappear with the current.
But I lie.
My heart's adrift on that current
or maybe it's the rock crab scuttling
sideways along the sea floor searching.
To lose a father is to lose home.
Sometimes, the buoyant mind becomes a river
claims the land impeding its course to the sea.
Follow it to that scrim of land you claim home.
Home, the sea claimed as its birthright.When all is washed away,what remains?
This morning our rain ebbed,
weather turned.