"On the Occasion of an Outfielder's Wedding" in Nimrod International Journal

On the Occasion of an Outfielder’s Wedding

~My great-grandparents, Frances and Patrick (Cozy) Dolan married on August 24, 1902 between games at a double-header played by Chicago and Brooklyn.



Frances was all that mattered.

Her eyes clear as Lake Michigan,

set off against the white lace

dress and hat. She removed her calfskin glove,

with little tugs at the fingertips, exposing

her firm left hand. He palmed it

like a baseball, slipping on the slender gold ring.


The ump looked almost church official

without his pads and faceguard.

He’d finger combed his hair into place, dusted

his pant legs. Cozy’d done the same, knowing

when he first courted Frances, he’d caught

a long fly ball that was destined for the fence.


Now, on the pitcher’s mound, clouds

shifting across the sky, surrounded

by her family, his teammates, the opposing team

(who’d shown up badly in the first game)

and fans waving pennants,

he leaned in to kiss his bride.


The crowd cheered, tossed straw boaters,

as he escorted Frances back to the stands.

Ump strapped on his pads, catcher too.

Cozy picked up his glove, nearly skipped

to the outfield where he could just

make out his wife’s profile,

her graceful neck.