"It Now Being Wednesday" in Paris Lit Up

It Now Being Wednesday


At dawn, where the river coiled and then forked.

I ran, as rubber boats with blue lights

dab the grey 

and police in wetsuits slip

like seals into the Seine.


Perhaps a woman, awake

to quiet her baby, glimpsed

a shadow falling.


Perhaps a night club owner returning home

spotted a billowing brown coat

just below the surface.


Perhaps after the holidays

had come and finally gone

and she didn’t turn up for work as usual,

the woman who shared the same desk,

worried. It now being Wednesday.


The police were rung.

A note found in her flat,

folded neatly with clear instructions

on where to find her body.


The body she left behind this morning

now surfacing in the embrace

of amphibian arms,


heavy like a child who’s fallen asleep

being carried to bed by her father,

who will kiss her damp forehead,

turn off the light.



Source: https://www.parislitup.com/