4 Poems In Angry Old Man

I had great fun with this erasure poem. Wrote a prose poem and then strategically eclipsed it. 

This erasure was taken from guide and Egyptologist Ahmed Abul Ella Ali’s blog post written during the Egyptian Revolution that began on January 25, 2011 and led to the end of Gamal Mubuarak’s brutal regime. My parents befriended Ahmed Abu Ella Ali d…

This erasure was taken from guide and Egyptologist Ahmed Abul Ella Ali’s blog post written during the Egyptian Revolution that began on January 25, 2011 and led to the end of Gamal Mubuarak’s brutal regime. My parents befriended Ahmed Abu Ella Ali during a trip to Egypt shortly after the revolution. 

This poem is sonic, best read out loud and mimics the sound and sensation of the blue whales and seals and the sound of the ice melting. My mother had recently returned from Antarctica and had heard these sounds. I went online and found them. Beauti…

This poem is sonic, best read out loud and mimics the sound and sensation of the blue whales and seals and the sound of the ice melting. My mother had recently returned from Antarctica and had heard these sounds. I went online and found them. Beautiful and sad. 


This poem and several others are part of a series I've written called "Postcards from the Aftermath" which explores places and people affected by natural disaster, war, terrorism. Many of the poems on my site are part of this collection. "After/Math" takes math formulas loosely but not the message.